Wetlands are also known as marshes, bogs and swamps

Wetlands are also known as marshes, bogs and swamps. They are some of the richest ecosystems of the world. They support more plants than any other ecosystem. Wetlands are home to a large variety of birds, insects and mammals. Birds live here without any fear of predators.

The reason is that large mammals cannot survive here as they tend to sink to the bottom of the wetland. The water level keeps on changing according to the seasons. The animals are well adapted to the wet and dry conditions prevailing there.Wetlands are the richest ecosystems of the world. They are home to a large variety of birds and animals.


 Desserts are the hottest and driest areas on Earth. They generally receive less than 10 cm of rain a year. Some of the deserts do not receive any rainfall for a number of years. This is so because here more water evaporates into the air than it falls as rain. The plants surviving in the deserts have tough hazy surface, needle-shaped leaves or spines, spongy stems and wide-spreading roots.

The animals get all the water they need from the food they eat. Deserts experience extreme climate. During the daytime, they are extremely hot but at night they are cold and moist. The largest deserts are near the Equator. They are hot and dry throughout the year as the winds contain very less moisture.

Sunlight scorches the desert during day time.

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