Mountains comprise a number of ecosystems

Mountains comprise a number of ecosystems. There are forests, grasslands, tundra lands and also snow. All mountains have broad zones. Each zone is characterized by different species of plants and animals.

In the Himalayan regions, the bottom zone comprises warm deciduous forests. Above it, there is a band of cooler coniferous forests.

Here, the trees can be as tall as 11,200 feet. Above this is a band containing low-growing shrubs and bushes which merge into grasslands and bare rocks. Higher than this, there are permanently snow-covered peaks.

Low-growing shrubs-rhododendron, juniper, dwarf birch.

The red panda is a good climber.

Bearded vulture soars on rising currents of hot air near the peaks.

Snow leopards have a thick coat, which keeps them warm.

Alpine grassland-rich in flowers and insects in summer.

Mountains have broad zones which are characterized by different forms of life.

Himalayan langurs move up and down the mountain as seasons change.


Seashores are places where land meets the sea. The environment here is ever-changing as waves and tides constantly move water, sand and pebbles in various different directions. When the tide is low, plants and animals receive plenty of air, winds, strong sunlight and rainwater.

On tropical and polar shores, animals and plants have to tolerate extreme temperatures. The ecosystem, here, is rich in food. Some food is washed away by rivers, while some is brought in from the sea by the tides. The animals and plants adapt themselves according to the prevalent conditions.

Seabirds such as shags and puffins far right nest on cliffs where they are safe from enemies.

Seashores are governed by a wide variety of life. Here, the ecosystem is rich in food.

The roots omarram grass holds the sand toaether.

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