Gravitational force of the Earth pulls the atmosphere downwards

Gravitational force of the Earth pulls the atmosphere downwards. This creates pressure in the air. We cannot feel the air pressure because the pressure inside our body balances the air pressure outside.

Weather depends on air pressure also. In high pressure areas, air sinks down absorbing the moisture and bringing fine weather. While in low pressure areas, air carrying water vapor rises up to form clouds which brings heavy rainfall.

In an area of low air pressure, the hot air rises and forms clouds.

In areas of high air pressure, air comes down to earth and spreads all over resulting in fine weather.


Temperature depends on a number of factors. Countries lying near the equator are hot as there are no clouds to bar the heat from escaping into space. Temperature also depends on how shiny the surface is.

The shiny surfaces such as snow and ice reflect solar radiation back into space and so they have low temperatures, while the dull surface such as soil and forests absorb the radiation keeping the temperature high.

The Sun’s rays meet the poles at an angle because the earth -curves away.

In La Paz, at 3,658m (12,000ft) high, the temperature in June is 17°C (62°F).

The ground is warmed up by sunlight falling on it. But the air is warmed by heat rising from the ground. This is why it is always colder at the top of a mountain than at the bottom.

In conception at 490m (1600ft) high, the temperature in June is 27°C (80°F).

The ground is warmed up by sunlight falling on it. But the air is warmed by heat rising from the ground. This is why is always colder at the top of a mountain than at the bottom.

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