Category Archives: Blog

Because of the teeming human population

Because of the teeming human population, forests are being cleared to make way for towns and cities. Here, the temperatures are usually several degrees higher than the surrounding rural areas as they contain more trees and plants. Towns and cities destroy the natural habitats of the wildlife. But there are certain species of plants and […]

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Grasses often grow in areas with dry climate and poor soil

Grasses often grow in areas with dry climate and poor soil. Such areas are known as grasslands. Most of the food chains begin with grass. Grasslands contain different kinds of grasses, shrubs and trees. Different animals feed on different parts of these plants. In this way, the grasslands provide food for all. Grass has the […]

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Wetlands are also known as marshes, bogs and swamps

Wetlands are also known as marshes, bogs and swamps. They are some of the richest ecosystems of the world. They support more plants than any other ecosystem. Wetlands are home to a large variety of birds, insects and mammals. Birds live here without any fear of predators. The reason is that large mammals cannot survive […]

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About two-thirds of the Earth’s surface is covered with water

About two-thirds of the Earth’s surface is covered with water. Oceans are the largest ecosystems existing on Earth. Life exists in various forms in the oceans. Dead remains of plants and animals, food scraps and droppings falling into the oceans make them rich in nutrients. Ocean bed is not plain. It has huge mountains, trenches, […]

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Mountains comprise a number of ecosystems

Mountains comprise a number of ecosystems. There are forests, grasslands, tundra lands and also snow. All mountains have broad zones. Each zone is characterized by different species of plants and animals. In the Himalayan regions, the bottom zone comprises warm deciduous forests. Above it, there is a band of cooler coniferous forests. Here, the trees […]

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Polar lands are the areas spreading across the poles

Polar lands are the areas spreading across the poles. These areas are permanently covered with ice. In the Arctic Circle, ice floats on the surface of the seas and is just a few metres thick. On the other hand, in the Antarctic Circle, ice covers the top of rocky landmasses and at some places it […]

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Gravitational force of the Earth pulls the atmosphere downwards

Gravitational force of the Earth pulls the atmosphere downwards. This creates pressure in the air. We cannot feel the air pressure because the pressure inside our body balances the air pressure outside. Weather depends on air pressure also. In high pressure areas, air sinks down absorbing the moisture and bringing fine weather. While in low […]

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